One of our core values is full transparency. Part of that is being upfront about our fees. Fees have a significant impact on a potential return. Therefore, it is important to know the applicable fees in advance.
General fees apply to a Blockrise account. Additionally, there may be additional charges for the use of supplementary services, such as our crypto asset management.
All fees mentioned below are exempt from VAT unless otherwise indicated.
Account fees | |
Crypto custody fee | Up to 1% per annum |
Crypto withdrawal fee | 0,25% per withdrawal |
Brokerage fee | 0,40% per trade |
Blockchain fee | Network dependent |
Back-up usage fee | €999,- per recovery (including 21% VAT) |
Asset Management fees | |
Management fee | 1,21% per annum (including 21% VAT) |
Performance fee | 15% with lifelong HWM |
Trading cost | Partner dependent, charged to the client |
Redemption fee | 0,25% per transaction |
At Blockrise, openness and transparency are paramount. Want more insight into our fees? Download the fee overview as a PDF, including detailed explanations and formulas.
The performance fee is charged to clients using our crypto asset management service. The fee is calculated on the performance (in euro value) of the invested portfolio.
This fee is charged only when there is a positive result and is based on the High-Water Mark (HWM). We explain this further in our full fee schedule.
Blockchain fees are costs determined by the blockchain itself and occur with all crypto transactions. The amount is influenced by the network's congestion. We do not set these fees ourselves. In crypto transactions, the blockchain fees are deducted from the amount of crypto being sent. Before you make a crypto transaction on our platform, we provide an estimate of the expected blockchain fees.
For entering, exiting, and rebalancing the asset management, trading costs are charged by our partners. However, these costs are directly passed on by Blockrise because we believe there should be no incentive for Blockrise to rebalance more frequently and thereby generate more revenue.
The trading costs depend on the monthly trading volume that Blockrise has with these partners. Usually, these costs are lower than 0,05%, and in any case, they do not exceed 0,2%.
Fees are invoiced monthly on the 1st of the month and can be paid with Bitcoin and Ethereum from the Blockrise Wallet, or with euros via bank transfer, iDEAL, and direct debit.
Fees for asset management are automatically deducted from the invested assets during rebalancing.
Both the custody and withdrawal fees are only applicable to crypto assets. If you'd like to withdraw euros to your verified bank account, there won't be any withdrawal fee.